
Insert deep thought here.

Talk until somebody listens. Then you'll be famous.

Friday, June 10


Hello non-existent audience!

So. Just to fill the universe in on my life, since I last posted many many months ago, I have started a journal! It's very exciting, and has lots of different versions of sunglasses on the front of it! In the front of it, I wrote "This will be so trivial. I do hope that it's enjoyable." It was something that I decided at one point over the past few months, that I would like my gravestone to say "I was so trivial". While this is rather morbid, I do believe that future planning is necessary. It's actually part of the reason that I began a journal, so that all of these thoughts and plans are recorded so that my family follows my instructions even after I'm dead and buried. It's a completely different reason than the reason as to why I have this blog. This is to satisfy the vain thought that there is somebody out there reading and enjoying my fantastic thoughts. I had a lengthly conversation regarding the topic of writer's vanity. It was quite nice, just talking about deep and insightful topics while wandering aimlessly through town, and around the arts Museum.

I'm going to go now, I will attempt to post again sometime soon, but it is likely that no-one cares anyway.