
Insert deep thought here.

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Monday, June 7

Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten- G.K Chesterton

I really love that quote, so it will be in all of my posts. I love it because it is completely true. Fairy tales are magical, any idiot knows that. (Sorry if I just called you an idiot...) Also, fairy tales allow us to to dream of a better place, a heaven of sorts. I know that the reason I fell in love with J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series was mainly due to the utter marvellous-ness of Hogwarts, and how believable it is. I mean, she has just slotted a magical world in beside the muggle world. For all we know, witches and wizards may be real, and we'd never know because we're muggles (speak for yourself, someone calls...)

My absolute favourite fairytale is The Fountain of Fair Fortune. Yes, I know. HP addiction coming out there, love. I don't care. I think that it is a brilliant story with a wonderful message. My favourite muggle story, though, is Snow White. The Grimm Brothers version, not the Disney-fied one, lovely as it may be.

My cat says hello. I must be off,
Goodbye, darlings!
Chocolate Fishy

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