
Insert deep thought here.

Talk until somebody listens. Then you'll be famous.

Tuesday, June 29

Talking to oneself.

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.

Talking to oneself is an interesting concept. Is one crazy? Psychotic? Or just normal, but thinking aloud? I talk to myself, in a non-psychotic way, of course. Now, the other day I met somebody who talks to herself. I won't laugh or make fun of her because that would be both mean and hypocritical, however I will say this: She talks to herself in a psychotic kind of way. The fist time I heard her, I thought that she was talking to an actual person, who, for some reason, I could not see. I spoke to her once, (she's become my half-friend/acquaintance) and I was talking to her about it in an entirely friendly, non-making-fun-of way. She said that she kind of has a person in her head, like an imaginary friend, but not. Now I naturally thought this a bit strange, but did not comment or anything, but I was thinking about it later with a friend who is somewhat obsessed with mental diseases (she's practically got one: obsession!) and we came to the conclusion that she is semi-schizophrenic. Yes, that does sound slightly mean, but we honestly do not want to belittle or make fun of this person in any way, shape, or form. 

OK. Enough about this fascinating, yet mysteriously and constantly absent person, as interesting as she is. Back to talking to oneself. My self-assessed conclusion, Talking to yourself is perfectly normal.

Signing off, Chocolate Fish.

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