
Insert deep thought here.

Talk until somebody listens. Then you'll be famous.

Wednesday, January 25


Enjoy the triviality.

Belly is an odd word. According to the Free Dictionary dot com, the definition is as such:

bel·ly  (b l )

n. pl. bel·lies

1. See abdomen.

2. The underside of the body of certain vertebrates, such as snakes and fish.

3. Informal

a. The stomach.

b. An appetite for food.

4. The womb; the uterus.


a. A part that bulges or protrudes: the belly of a sail.

b. Anatomy The bulging, central part of a muscle.

6. A deep, hollow interior: the belly of a ship.

intr. & tr.v. bel·lied, bel·ly·ing, bel·lies

To bulge or cause to bulge. See Synonyms at bulge.

Phrasal Verb:

belly up

To approach closely: belly up to the bar.

[Middle English beli, from Old English belg, bag; see bhelgh- in Indo-European roots.]

belly [ˈbɛlɪ]

n pl -lies

1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) the lower or front part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the intestines and other abdominal organs; abdomen Related adjective ventral

2. the stomach, esp when regarded as the seat of gluttony

3. a part, line, or structure that bulges deeply the belly of a sail

4. the inside or interior cavity of something the belly of a ship

5. the front or inner part or underside of something

6. (Music / Instruments) the surface of a stringed musical instrument over which the strings are stretched

7. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) the thick central part of certain muscles

8. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Textiles) Austral and NZ the wool from a sheep's belly

9. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Tanning) Tanning the portion of a hide or skin on the underpart of an animal

10. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Archery) Archery the surface of the bow next to the bowstring

11. Archaic the womb

go belly up Informal to die, fail, or come to an end

vb -lies, -lying, -lied

to swell out or cause to swell out; bulge

[Old English belig; related to Old High German balg, Old Irish bolg sack, Sanskrit barhi chaff]

belly - In the violin family, the top surface of an instrument, across which the strings are placed.

See also related terms for strings.

Which is all very good and well, but the word, used in any context, and said by anyone and everyone, makes my toes curl, and a sicky feeling come to my stomach. I dislike the word for no logical reason whatsoever, and I'm fine with that. Me, out.

Friday, June 10


Hello non-existent audience!

So. Just to fill the universe in on my life, since I last posted many many months ago, I have started a journal! It's very exciting, and has lots of different versions of sunglasses on the front of it! In the front of it, I wrote "This will be so trivial. I do hope that it's enjoyable." It was something that I decided at one point over the past few months, that I would like my gravestone to say "I was so trivial". While this is rather morbid, I do believe that future planning is necessary. It's actually part of the reason that I began a journal, so that all of these thoughts and plans are recorded so that my family follows my instructions even after I'm dead and buried. It's a completely different reason than the reason as to why I have this blog. This is to satisfy the vain thought that there is somebody out there reading and enjoying my fantastic thoughts. I had a lengthly conversation regarding the topic of writer's vanity. It was quite nice, just talking about deep and insightful topics while wandering aimlessly through town, and around the arts Museum.

I'm going to go now, I will attempt to post again sometime soon, but it is likely that no-one cares anyway.

Thursday, November 25



Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. It's not like anyone actually reads it anyway... It's really for my own venting purposes. Besides, if anyone did read this, then they'd start to think that I was psychotic anyway, so... Yes.

Ah! It's the holidays. Which is exciting. Christmas is almost here, and I don't have to go back to school until February. Yussss. I am currently watching an original episode of The Wiggles! I know! I haven't seen it since I was a kid. I love Henry the Octopus.
Fruit salad, yummy yummy, Fruit salad, yummy yummy.
As weird as it sounds, when I was really little, like 5, I thought for some reason that they were my Uncles or something equally as strange. My brain was messed up.

Isn't this dress right here gorgeous? I can't remember where I found the image, or where it was from, but it's gorgeous.

I love the holidays. I'm sitting here in my pyjamas at 11:00am, and nobody is here to tell me to get changed!

I'll post later,
Chocolate Fish

Wednesday, September 1

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.

Hello all!!

I just had an amazing thought, do you reckon that had the Marauders known about the room of requirement, would they be able to use it as a transformation room for Remus to transform into a werewolf? That would be really cool.

Another amazing quote that I came up with all on my little own-some, "What society needs is a good dose of Dumbledore."-Me.

Rarotonga was fabulous, just relating back to my last post. It's been awhile, almost a whole month since we were there and I can still see it in my minds eye.

My school has just recently had mock exams, and I am so happy that they are finally over!

I'm growing my nails long. Thought you ought to know.

Well I'll be off now, I don't want to wake up late tomorrow! Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite.

<3 Chocolate Fishy

Saturday, July 10

Just Finished!!

I lead a sad, but happy life. Sad because of how much of my time is devoted to Harry Potter, but happy because that's just how I like it.

Anyway. I just finished this! I'm really proud, so take a squizz.

I'm really proud of it. Like, really proud. If you want to read some stories with these characters, view this link: The One He Lived For or it's companion piece: Dear Astrella.

Well, that's enough advertising for now. I'm going to Rarotonga in the South Pacific tomorrow. Exciting, huh? Yeah. Well, I'd better go pack. Enjoy the beautiful picture!

Wednesday, July 7

What I Learnt Today...

Today, I learnt that when you are hot, you're hot. Age doesn't matter. Just thought I'd share that with all of you lovely people.

I'm reading a fantastic fan-fiction for Bones, TV show, at the moment. I'll put in the link for the first of the 'series' because it is so utterly fabulous. I <3 Bones. The show is wonderful, and I get depressed each time a season ends, and unbearably excited when a new one starts.

Family, a Bones and Booth fan-fiction written by Squinttoyou

Read it. It'll take you awhile, but it's totally worth it.

Well, TTFN, there is my latest obsession, enjoy.
  -Chocolate Fishy

Monday, July 5


I just made the most delicious cookies ever. Like, actually.

Just thought that I would share that with you.

Chocolate Fishy

Tuesday, June 29

Talking to oneself.

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.

Talking to oneself is an interesting concept. Is one crazy? Psychotic? Or just normal, but thinking aloud? I talk to myself, in a non-psychotic way, of course. Now, the other day I met somebody who talks to herself. I won't laugh or make fun of her because that would be both mean and hypocritical, however I will say this: She talks to herself in a psychotic kind of way. The fist time I heard her, I thought that she was talking to an actual person, who, for some reason, I could not see. I spoke to her once, (she's become my half-friend/acquaintance) and I was talking to her about it in an entirely friendly, non-making-fun-of way. She said that she kind of has a person in her head, like an imaginary friend, but not. Now I naturally thought this a bit strange, but did not comment or anything, but I was thinking about it later with a friend who is somewhat obsessed with mental diseases (she's practically got one: obsession!) and we came to the conclusion that she is semi-schizophrenic. Yes, that does sound slightly mean, but we honestly do not want to belittle or make fun of this person in any way, shape, or form. 

OK. Enough about this fascinating, yet mysteriously and constantly absent person, as interesting as she is. Back to talking to oneself. My self-assessed conclusion, Talking to yourself is perfectly normal.

Signing off, Chocolate Fish.
Mummy, have you seen my jumper?

Yes dear, it was on the cat.

-Ginny and Molly Weasley

Just checking in, lest anybody should actually miss me! Guess what!! I got glasses! Just reading ones,but that's good because it means that I won't have to wear them all the time, so if they don't match my outfit then I can just not wear them! Lol :) I was most disappointed when I discovered that I didn't suit Harry Potter glasses. It was a great blow to my self esteem. No, really. Anyhow, that's all for now {heh, rhyme!} because it's 11.42pm and I'm tired. Nighty night!

XOX Chocolate Fishy

Wednesday, June 16

"Scared, Potter?" "You wish."

Minerva McGonagall is fabulous, definitely one of my favourite Harry Potter characters. Here's a pretty picture for your benefit!
Celebrity is, as celebrity does- Gilderoy Lockhart

My Cat, has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!- Argus Filch

I'm watching ~Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets~.I absolutely adore Harry Potter, as you may possibly have guessed.

Don't you love how McGonagall is Head of Gryffindor, yet always seems to be wearing green robes? In the first couple of movies anyhow.

I'm off school sick today. I felt as if I was about to throw up all morning, but now I just have a headache.

My Aunty is coming tomorrow. She lives quite a way away, so we don't often see her and her family. Especially since her eldest two have left school, and her youngest is yr 12.

Remember Ron, while he and Harry are still in the whomping Willow? He is so cute!! Rupert Grint's facial expressions truly are wonderful, and absolutely perfect for Ron.

Breaki Arm, Immendo!- Lockhart.

"I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back..."

"You can do it, can't you?"

"Of course I can, but it won't be pleasant. You're in for a rough night, Mr. Potter."- Madame Pomfrey.

OMG! I Y moaning Mertle! She is fabby! A bit... creeptacular, but still fantastic.

I'm gonna go focus on the marvellous movie momentarily, many

Hugs and Kisses Z

Monday, June 14

"Ready Freddy"- Crazy Little Thing Called Love, QUEEN

~!Harry Potter!~
Do you know what I'm super excited about at the moment? Care to hazard a guess? Well, if you guessed Harry Potter, then you are right. Yes, I know. Typical pf me, but I love him. And a Love Affair with a book series is one that lasts a lifetime. Today on the train, my friend and I covered a notebook in cover film stuff (I've always called it Duraseal, but that's a brand, I think...) that had Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets pictures all over it. We did it on the 15 minute train ride, and it was a lot of fun :) It really was. I just moved schools, right, so I don't really know much about how the school is run, or where everything is and such, and tomorrow, I have to take a year 8 student and their parents and show them my school, and answer questions and such. I honestly have no clue what use I'm going to be as I know literally nothing about the school. Well, a bit. But I've only ever been into the school gym once, and that was for an assembly. I don't know anything about the junior school, cause I just skipped all that. I could tell you loads about life at my old school, but this one? Nada. h well. I'm sure that I'll survive. Must go, it's late, and I'm Tired. Big day tomorrow.

Night! Z

Friday, June 11

I'm feeling purple today. Do you like my background? It's fabulous, non? I'm supposed to be writing a 200 word history on one of my relatives who did something interesting. The catch? It's in french. And apparently we've had a whole week and a bit to do it, but little ol' me forgot, and so I only have the weekend in which to complete this massive assignment. I cannot contain my joyfulness. Really.

Why do you think musicians put swear words in their songs when they know that they'll just have to re-record at some point to make a clean version. It sounds like a great big waste of time to me to be quite honest.

I had really better be going. Ta Ta my darlings.

"She needs to sort out her priorities!"

Harry Potter. ie. Fabulous. I am currently sitting in the lounge with my brother watching the first movie again for the first time in ages, and I'm loving it :) We are, as of 8:35pm, up to the bit where dear old Oliver Wood is teaching Harry about Quidditch, "You catch this, Potter, and we win." To which my brother says 'not always!'

They are so cute!! And Hermione's hair!! Not nearly as good as the books, and nowhere close to how I had imagined it, but still pretty damn marvellous. Richard Harris was definitely the better Dumbledore. I like him better than Michael Gambon. He epitomizes wisedom better.

"5 points, will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck!"- Minerva McGonagall. Oh how I adore dear Minnie :) She really is fabby.

11-yr-old Rupert Grint's pouty face is absolutely brilliant! That scene where... "levi-oh-sa, not Levio-sar" "well you do it if you're so clever" , and Ron's face when he crosses his arms over his books? Absolutely brilliant.

I always did wonder if the person who plays Lee Jordan was a boy or a girl, I googled it, and he is played by Luke Youngblood. There we are. A boy then. That's good. He looks just like I had pictured Lee to look, actually.

"That thing has a name!"-Hermione

I am so tired. And my throat. If any of my friends read this, they would know who wrote it for the pure and simple reason that I've been complaining about my horribly sore throat. It really is most terribly sore, and seeing as this is my blog, I shall complain as much as I want.

I want a Weasley Jumper. Maybe I could make one. That would be so much knitting. Maybe I could get Nana or Mum to make one... My brother had one. I didn't get one :( That is a sad smiley of extreme(ish) depression.

Who is the actor who plays Argus Filch? According to Wikipedia it is David Bradley. "It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." Is it just me or does Filch sound way too excited by that? Mmm. He does.

"Ron! You've got to see this, you've really got to see this!"- Little Harry is so cute when he's excited.

Anyhow, I must be going. Night!

Tuesday, June 8

Hello again. I just spent the entire day singing songs such as "Sheep may safely graze" and "Chattanooga Choo Choo". Fun.

You know what else is fun? Rain. Especially dancing in the rain. The other day I got my first pair of Wellington boots in like, five years. Did I mention this already? Anyway, I got them, and then promptly went puddle jumping with my puppy dog. It was fun. :)

Y'know that tv program Hope & Faith? American Sitcom. very funny. I'm watching that at the moment.

Did you know that in New Zealand (small country in the pacific, near Australia, but not any part of it) TV has been around for 50 years.

Exciting. Anywhoosits, I'll be going now. laters,
xox Chocolate Fishy

Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten- G.K Chesterton

Monday, June 7

Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten- G.K Chesterton

I really love that quote, so it will be in all of my posts. I love it because it is completely true. Fairy tales are magical, any idiot knows that. (Sorry if I just called you an idiot...) Also, fairy tales allow us to to dream of a better place, a heaven of sorts. I know that the reason I fell in love with J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series was mainly due to the utter marvellous-ness of Hogwarts, and how believable it is. I mean, she has just slotted a magical world in beside the muggle world. For all we know, witches and wizards may be real, and we'd never know because we're muggles (speak for yourself, someone calls...)

My absolute favourite fairytale is The Fountain of Fair Fortune. Yes, I know. HP addiction coming out there, love. I don't care. I think that it is a brilliant story with a wonderful message. My favourite muggle story, though, is Snow White. The Grimm Brothers version, not the Disney-fied one, lovely as it may be.

My cat says hello. I must be off,
Goodbye, darlings!
Chocolate Fishy